Cosmic Harmony

Monthly Full & New Moon Energetic Healings

Deepening Conscious Living

Say goodbye to low self-esteem doubts and conflicts as you discover how your thoughts shape your life.

Unlock inner conflict and embrace a
new level of emotional health.

Are you ready to become the essential in your conscious living journey?

Inner Harmony Activation

Stress and tension can cause the body to move into overdrive, creating a feedback loop that becomes unconscious

very quickly.

A big part of moving into inner harmony is to stop the lopping. Finding inner balance creates a body that becomes calm and then healing begins to

flow naturally.

Angel Energy


Feel the power of the angelic transformative energy envelop your entire body. This can release sadness, trauma and exhaustion from every cell of your body and being.

You will move into rejuvenation as you are filled with life force energy.

Energy work has the ability to help your thoughts, habits and body to feel better and to have improved health.

Which of the following are you currently struggling with?

Doubts Fears Anxiety CPTSD Self Judgment or Comparison Imposter SyndromeTrauma/Abuse Anger Brain Fog Feeling Overwhelmed Body Pain Stuck in old habits or

thought patterns
These are all areas Karen has helped clients with using various energy work techniques and processes

Karen Leslie’s journey in energy work and healing began with herself as her first client. She personally experienced the transformative power of the modalities she studied and developed, which fuelled her passion to share these methods with others. This first hand experience not only deepened her understanding, but also instilled a sense of empathy and compassion in her approach to assisting her clients on their own healing journeys. By applying her knowledge and intuitive insight, Karen continues to inspire and empower individuals to become their healthiest selves.

Reach out today and embark on a life-changing path towards holistic wellness.


I have been working with Karen Leslie for over 3 years and it has been a life changing experience. There have been dramatic changes in me personally and in my business. As the owner of a successful business, it was critical that I learn to see how my personal choices and decisions were impacting my business. Conditioned responses that I was sure were there for life have changed and, in some cases, left entirely. If you are struggling or unhappy with any area of your life then book an appointment and begin your journey to a happier and healthier you today.


Working with Karen Leslie over the past year and a half, I have received so many benefits. My physical and mental existence has improved dramatically! The calmness I am now experiencing in my mind and body is allowing me to sleep so deeply and then waking up feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the day. With less stress and more peace in my life, I am finally able to put myself first and to assist others with the tools that Karen has taught me.


I went to Karen's with an open mind to receive whatever it is that she does. I felt good when I went to see her, but I felt GREAT when I left. I felt more "Connected" to the earth and the air. That may sound weird, but the whole experience was amazing, and it improved as my day went on. I highly recommend going to see Karen to get whatever treatment she recommends for you. I am truly amazed at the result of what I experienced.


Karen offers support for those who are dealing with stress. That starts with the very first time you talk to her. She is extremely knowledgeable and can help educate and build a plan to help you find a path out of your stress. If you are dealing with more than you can handle (and who isn't now), give Karen a call. You'll feel the difference right away.


In this time of isolation Karen is well equipped with her over 20 years of experience to help with your stress management. She is more than happy to help anyone who is need of change.


To have someone present and invested in your healing as Karen is with her clients is a rare gift and one I cherish.

Karen brings her vast knowledge and training coupled with her deep awareness and knowledge to deliver a healing unique onto her. I highly recommend Karen!