Karen Leslie, a highly skilled and knowledgeable Expert Healer, possesses a profound understanding of the transformative Light Keys Wellness System. With her expertise, she has the unique capability to tailor treatments to meet individual needs and aspirations. To explore the possibilities and discover how Karen can support your specific healing journey, we invite you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call. During this personalized session, Karen will attentively listen to your concerns, goals, and aspirations, and together, you can explore how her healing abilities and customized treatments can help you embark on a path of profound transformation and well-being. Take this opportunity to connect with Karen and unlock the potential for personal growth and healing that lies within you.

Custom Light Key Sessions

  1. Anxiety/Depression
  2. Relationships/Conflict Resolution
  3. Self-Sabotage
  4. Sleep
  5. Confidence
  6. Money
  7. Illness/Pain